
Eat Well, Live Longer

A simple Google search about healthy eating will turn up hundreds of articles about fad diets, “superfoods”, nutritional supplements, and any number of dieting tips. If you use social media at all, there’s a good chance that someone has tried to sell you magic pills or powers that guarantee a slim body and lifelong youth. However, a good diet doesn’t have to be complicated, expensive, or restrictive. A simple, well-balanced diet is necessary for everyone’s health but is especially important for seniors. Healthy eating can help people live longer and have a more fulfilling and active lifestyle later in life.

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Holiday Traditions Are Good For Seniors

For many of us, the holidays can be a stressful time of year. There are often work, family, and social commitments that run as ragged as we try to buy and wrap all of the gifts, decorate for the season, attend social gatherings and get-togethers, and bake, cook, and create the “perfect” holiday for our families. The holiday season tends to fly by, many times without any real enjoyment of time spent with our loved ones and the traditions that define our families.

For seniors, the holiday season has its own set of challenges. For those whose family lives far away or can’t see them, the holidays can be a lonely, isolating time of year. Once important holiday traditions may fade away without anyone to carry them forward.

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How Senior Living Communities Keep Adults Healthier

Discussing senior living and assisted living with a family member can be a difficult conversation. There are many things to consider: comfort, location, price, amenities, services, and a long list of details that you may not have even considered. It’s an important decision that should not be taken lightly, and it’s necessary for the entire family and everyone involved to discuss possibilities thoroughly and work to agree on a situation in which everyone is happy and comfortable with the outcome.

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Manors of the Valley Walks to End Alzheimer’s

Another year, another incredible event! The Manors team was proud to be amongst all the amazing walkers who participated in the 2018 Walk to End Alzheimer’s in the Lehigh Valley. This inspiring event joins friends, families and supporters of all ages and abilities to take the first steps toward a world without Alzheimer’s!

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NOW OPEN: Saucon Valley Manor Building III Independent Living

They say, ‘two is better than one,’ and with our second Independent Living Building officially open, we couldn’t agree more!

Manors of the Valley is pleased to invite you to tour Saucon Valley Manor Building III. Learn all about how our brand new, modern rooms and amenities can accommodate your loved ones, while meeting our incredible team of caregivers.

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independent living

YOU’RE INVITED: Saucon Valley Manor Building III Grand Opening September 20th

They say, ‘two is better than one,’ and with our second Independent Living Building officially set to open its doors next week, we couldn’t agree more!

Manors of the Valley is pleased to invite you to the Grand Opening of our Saucon Valley Manor Building III on September 20th. We’d love for you to join us for lunch followed by speeches from local dignitaries and tours of our new building. Learn all about how our brand new, modern rooms and amenities can accommodate your loved ones, while meeting our incredible team of caregivers.

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Senior Day Care Benefits Not Only Loved Ones

Seniors who prefer to live at home often don’t realize the biggest downside to their decision: the lack of social interaction. Unfortunately, in-home caregivers and family members can’t always provide everything a senior needs to live a happy, fulfilling life as they get older.

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Assisted Living vs. Home Care: 5 Things to Consider for Your Loved One

With age, comes less independence, but that doesn’t mean your loved one can’t still look forward to the next chapter of their life. With your help, they can find the right care for their specific needs and worry less about the daily tasks that may become increasingly difficult. But how will you know what that is? Learn more about the differences between home care and assisted living, so you can get your loved one the care they deserve.

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